Explore 9/11 App Reviews

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Good app. Recommend to others.

I like it a lot. Very informational. Kinda disappointed that nothing is said about Building 7 that fell also that day. Very intriguing. Not saying the govt did it. I dont think a US leader would plan that. But tower 7 was just a free fall. Check it out. Praying for all families and souls effected by this tragedy

Believe it or not

It was an inside job.. Jesus Christ you people are so gullible. Still no one wants to explain why no aircraft debris were found at the Pentagon Crash site, or why the WTC 7 building went down for basically no reason, also the supposedly flight that crash in Pennsylvania, no debri seen

Bush did 9/11

People its time to rise up - redistribute the wealth of this country- revive the American Dream- follow me

Statists gonna state

These brain washed zombies defend the official story/lie of 9-11 have Stockholm syndrome. Over 1000 architects and engineers proved wtc7 was taken down with demos. Yet you drooling idiots spin it and claim the victims are disrespected when in fact they died in vain because people like you wont hold Bush & Cheney accountable, that makes you accessory after the fact. Mossad did 9-11. The Saudi family funded it. Bush knew it was gonna happen. Fact !


App crashes just like the planes

Never forget!

This app is a way to make we all never forget about what made this nation stronger!


App is decent. I cant give it a 10/10, but it earns a solid 9/11 in my book.

Nice try


Wake up America

Bush and his administration did it

9/11 was an inside job!

Wake up America, before its too late!

Why Puerto Rico is not on the list.???


Architects and engineers

More than 1000 architect and engineers came together and saw that the collapse couldnt of been done by jet fuel...but also they found remnants of nan-thermite a military Grade explosive THAT CAN MELT STEAL BEAMS so now you ask your self how did that git in there...America please wake up and see that our government is corrupt and is also controlled by the major companies and the banking systems/ federal reserve...SUBSCRIBE TO anonymous YouTube channels...

Decent app; but fairy tale

This app is nice but I cant believe that still 14 years later the masses have not completely awakened to what a scam 9/11 was and what a whitewash (even by the admission of those one the commission) the "9/11 commission" was. Its incredibly disrespectful to the victims of this attack for people to get angry at those who have posted reviews pointing out that the official story is a complete fabrication. Its long past time for the truth to be known.

Everything an app

Still waiting on the game were we can fly a plane into buildings is that coming in an update?

Bush Did 9/11

Jet fuel cant melt steel beams...obviously.

Putting 9/11 into perspective

9/11 was not an inside job. Obviously because the biggest plane at the time was flown in into these buildings in a fast speed we are talking 600 mph. These building werent designed for that impact. And why would the US destroy its own buildings and harm its economy? And why would it want to go to a war wich is going to cost them billions of dollars? 9/11 was caused by extrimist! Every religion has extremist people not just Islam! Really good app it brings me back to the moment when i saw the second plane crash and both towers collapsing.

9/11 was perpetrated by the US government

While many people blindly defend this corrupt country, others realize the lies and manipulation of the US government. The events on 9/11 was a modern Operation Northwoods. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Our government is filled with corrupt politicians. The pursuit on 9/11 was to invade the Middle East for oil and the installation of leaders. It is much more disrespectful to the victims of the U.S. government by not doing your part and finding out the truth on 9/11. While it may be tragic, it does not excuse it from scrutiny.

9/11 was bull

Explain to me how 2 planes crashed into the top of a 100+ story building then the building collapses like a carefully planned & structured demolishing

Hans Landa

So youre saying all Muslims did 9/11, youre going to hate Muslims for there corrupt government? It wasnt the "Muslims", it was the people who did 9/11

I wanted to hear the cries of infidels

Whats the difference between 9-11 and a cow? You can stop milking it after 15 years

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